Red Rocks Intercultural Center will be Celebrating its 10thAnniversary of the cultural heritage preservation festival with the “theme” “Conservation and Cultural Sustainability from 26th August until 2nd September 2022”.
The festival is an annual event which will starts on the last week of august and ends the first week of September which coincides with the annual Gorilla Naming ceremony.
The annual celebration seeks to engage local and international community, the essence is to sustain the preservation of Cultural Heritage in particular with Women and Youth Empowerment programs through cultural Creative Art, as well as Education and sports Initiative.
Red Rocks Intercultural Center, they believe in community-driven sustainable development, where the initiatives provide viable livelihoods for rural local communities in order to lift underserved communities out of poverty, instill in them a sense of purpose and pride which emphasizes the community’s role in conservation, strengthening opportunities for the local community to show their support and commitment for permanently conserve cultural, recreational resources to inspire the next generation as custodians of cultural legacies.
The week-long Culture Festival is an opportunity for people to deepen their understanding of the Rwandan culture, its preservation efforts made by the locals themselves to improve the already existing activities to protect and preserve traditional legacy.
Rwanda as a tourism hub we use this week to increase participation in cultural activities, art for conservation, also promote the values of using cultural activities in addressing the wider agendas of the community like health, education, environmental protection and cultural heritage preservation.
Red rocks undertake eco-conservation through literacy and activities, using tourism in society as a way of skill development for socio-economic, educational and cultural performance this event brings everyone together under one umbrella as a community to come together to share issues and knowledge of the good practices focused on how to maintain quality among tourism and environment, the key concepts of eco-friendly tourism, which increase a sense of cultural unity while fostering an opportunity for environmental and cultural conservation among both participants and key personnel.

Enviro-friendly Bamboo cups made by Red rocks initiative beneficiaries.
This event being the 10th anniversary will helps Rwandans to celebrate, uphold cultural diversity and enhance environmental conservation for our national pride.
This festival week will be characterized by different activates like Conservation and maintenance of cultural heritages through supporting cultural festivals, Cultural Art forms, Cultural Dance, Cultural Music, Sculpture etc. for the benefit of the present and future generations.

Expect such ambiance and knowledge about Rwandan culture from 26th August to 2nd September.
Conducting of communities awareness, educate them on the importance of cultural heritage and way to preserve our social values, beliefs, customs and traditions, that allows us to identify ourselves and deepen a sense of unity, belonging and national pride as well as preservation and promotion of cultural heritages and to help create new values for future generations to come.
Red Rocks Intercultural Center welcomes everyone to come and be part of a week experiences in authentic way for our cultural preservation and conservation in vibrant celebration.
Twahirwa Umumarashavu Janat.